We offer undergraduate student researchers a variety of opportunities to gain valuable hands-on research experience while learning new skills and techniques, which can be broadly applied across fields.
Undergraduate Research Project Examples
- Interspecific hybridization in Phlox and characterization of hybrids
The potential for exchange of genetic information between species or the combination of multiple traits from two species is an important tool in the development of new and/or improved ornamental plants. We are constantly exploring new species combinations and evaluating various hybrids previously obtained.
- Micropropagation of selected species
The potential for exchange of genetic information between species or the combination of multiple traits from two species is an important tool in the development of new and/or improved ornamental plants. We are constantly exploring new species combinations and evaluating various hybrids previously obtained.
- Examination of chromosomes, genome size and cellular interaction in selected species and hybrids
Ethylene is a gaseous plant hormone that plays an important role in many processes. Ethylene-insensitive mutants may yield ornamental plants with interesting attributes. Can we select seedlings of some OPGC plants that grow normally in the presence of ethylene?
Interested in learning more about undergraduate research? Please contact the Director of the OPGC, Yu Ma (ma.2578@osu.edu) to discuss current opportunities.